Jayant Bhandari


China will continue to grow



Almost a decade back, I came across the work of Doug Casey. His writings and speeches have been hugely influential in how I think and perceive the world. I learned to speak my mind, unclouded by political correctness. Without speaking and thinking the truth, one disorients oneself mentally. In a way he was like Ayn Rand II to me.


About five years back, I came across an audio course of Jay Stuart Snelson, called V-50. It is a lecture series of 48 hours. In my mind the course weaved together the intellectual history of the West. It explained to me the supreme importance of reason. It was one of the most productive 48 hours I have ever spent.


Both Mr Casey and Mr Snelson taught me how important definitions are.


I find it amusing when people—even so-called accomplished economists—say that China is “slowing.” This is incorrect. China is NOT slowing. It is NOT decelerating. It is still growing hugely. It is merely growing and accelerating at a lower rate than before, now at about 6.5% or so.


I go to China often and have been to many different parts. While I am not competent to know how reliable Chinese official statistics are, my experience tells me that China is indeed growing, economically and most importantly, culturally.


There is a lot of talk about empty cities in China. It is easy to ridicule this, but when a society keeps growing at neck-breaking speed for 30 years, some over-heating is expected. In fact, the concept of “over-heating” is hardly used these days, for most textbooks would have expected China to have over-heated after a mere few years of starting to grow. Moreover, these so-called empty cities start to fill up within a few years. And China is not the only country with empty housing. The world is full of them. Just walk around looking for apartments with no lights at 9pm in Vancouver or San Francisco, for some anecdotal statistics.


In my view, a cultural renaissance is happening in China. The seeds of reason are germinating in that society. I have almost never experienced this in any country outside the West, and I have been to over 70 countries (and currently in Bolivia). We must remind ourselves that IQ of Chinese is among the highest in the world, higher than IQ of those in the West.


Today, I would not live in China, but in my view, China is the future of humanity. It is in China that the idea-of-America will likely find a new home. We will know for sure in about 50 years.


Just, please, never ever get a haircut in China:





The West, which is even today the only place where I see reason and enlightenment, is on a very slippery slope. Even those who believe in capitalism and the free-market have been hugely corrupted over the last decade.


Now about investing... There are many companies in the junior space that offer extremely good upside. I have mentioned several names in this linked interview.


Finally, my friends at Incrementum Liechtenstein have published a new book, which I highly recommend (read my comments in the “review” section). If you order the book using the link I have provided—without costing you anything extra—it will generate a donation for one of my favorite organizations/persons, Lew Rockwell.

Warm regards,


Jayant Bhandari





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Latest News—11th January 2016